A social media call to action is an oft misused vital area of your social media marketing. People wrongly treat it like content marketing, or shock marketing. This is a simple, yet enormously important mistake to avoid. It could be the difference between increased traffic and sales, and a complete waste of money.

What it isn’t

Social media copy is not storytelling or content marketing. Don’t let any blogger or influencer tell you any different. You’re not weaving a tapestry of mystery to send your potential clients on a choose their own adventure trip to your website.

Too many marketers want to be the most clever, most innovative, so very different and special marketer. This is not want you need to get people who see your add to do what you want.

2 steps to the perfect social copy

What is the value

What do I as the end user/potential customer get when I click through on your add/offer? Tell me exactly what I get. Tell me I get a free consultation, tell me I get a free month of services, tell me what the white-paper you want me to download is about. Tell me EXACTLY what the value is.

What do i need to do to get it

Tell me/your potential customer exactly what I need to do to get the value you have just presented me. No ambiguity. No parsed words. Exactly what I need to do. Do I need to click here, go to your website, head to your profile, listen now, RSVP here? Exactly what I need to do.

Two steps, that’s it! What is the value and what do I do to get it?

Where do you tell the full story?

That’s what your website is for. You website is your online storefront. Your online bio. Here is where you take your time and lay out all the problems you can solve for your customers.

The average human attention span is 8.25 seconds. You need less than that to take someone from a social site to your website. When writing your copy consider how you scroll. What stops you? What do you barely even notice. Use the answers to those questions to guide your copy.

And remember, great pictures are good. Good video is great.

Will Saulsbery, Owner Ashtonbery Consulting

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